Cornwalls cornerstone, talent & culture
In every sense, we are defined by our people.
Our people have a wealth of industry and professional experience, exceptional legal minds, and are highly regarded in their fields of expertise. Our people also ensure that client relationships are managed at the highest level, and they are willing, dedicated and commercial in their approach.
Cornwalls is a group of independently owned and operated law firms comprising Cornwalls ABN 19 738 311 557 (a limited partnership), Cornwalls (QLD) ABN 18 604 548 601 (individual liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation), Cornwalls (NSW) ABN 68 626 837 223 (liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation) and Cornwalls (EMT Law) ABN 52 644 148 087 (liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation).